Greenfish Icon Editor Pro (GFIE Pro) 是一款功能强大的免费软件图像编辑器,特别适用于创建图标、光标、动画和图标库。
- 免费软件图像编辑器,具有干净直观的用户界面
- 支持编辑动画光标和管理图标库
- 不仅适用于图标:GFIE也是一个通用的图像编辑器
- 有一个便携式版本 – 解压缩后约 64 MB,只需将其解压缩到您的 USB 驱动器并在任何地方使用即可
Greenfish Icon Editor Pro (GFIE Pro) is a powerful freeware image editor, especially suitable for creating icons, cursors, animations and icon libraries.
- Freeware image editor with a clean and intuitive user interface
- Supports editing animated cursors and managing icon libraries
- Not just for icons: GFIE is also a general purpose image editor
- Has a portable version – about 64 MB unzipped, just unpack it to your USB drive and use it anywhere
With Greenfish Icon Editor Pro, you can edit
- icons (for Windows and Mac), cursors, animations, photos or other images (together called graphic documents),
- as well as icon libraries, executable programs and DLLs containing icon/cursor/bitmap resources (together called library documents).
Graphic documents consist of one or more pages. Pages consist of frames. Each frame has zero or more layers.
运行平台:Windows 7/8/10/11;Ubuntu/Debian 64 位(.deb 包)
latest stable release (4.2):
网盘搬运:gfie4.2.zip – 蓝奏云 (lanzouq.com)
Online help: English | French | Italian | Russian
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